Brian arrived last year (2019) when he was found wandering around the car park of a suburb in Dublin? He was such a strange little lamb. For months he didn’t bother about anyone, either human or sheep. His wool was extremely matted, and underneath it he was very thin. I used to try to feed him up with the highest quality grain I could find, that the rest of our sheep adore. But Brian would leave the bowl of grain untouched. He even preferred eating straw to hay. With months of coaxing and spoiling, he eventually began to recover. He is almost unrecognisable now. He lives with some of our special needs sheep who have arthritis, and the newly arrived, and very special little Tilly…more about in another post. Tilly and Brian bound over to see me every morning, and spend their day grazing and jumping together. At long last he is getting to be a normal, fun loving lamb.
Photos: Agatha Kisiel