We’re Hiring a Sanctuary Worker
Work involves the care of over 200 rescued animals including sheep, goats, cows, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and other rescued and free living animals.
The ideal candidate will be experienced in the day to day care of farmed animals, including cleaning barns and animal health care. Some applicants may not have the required experience but following a period of time spent volunteering/training, find that they are accomplished sanctuary workers, and an ideal fit for the post.
Candidates must be able to attend to the special needs of our animal residents who have histories of exploitation and neglect, who are old, blind, lame or otherwise compromised. The ideal candidate will be passionate about animal rights, flexible with respect to the needs of sanctuary work, and have a keen eye for illness, injury or any other factor affecting the wellbeing of the animals on the sanctuary.
In order to complete our work for the animals every day, staff at Eden need to be able to work efficiently and calmly, at a fast pace. They need to respect their co-workers, share the work equally, and work as a team for the good of the animals.
Please note that this job requires strenuous physical outdoor work and can be emotionally taxing.
Transport of animals for veterinary care and in rescue situations will form part of your duties.
Full drivers licence required and own transport essential.
Workers must live in close proximity to the sanctuary, preferably within a 20 minute drive.
The successful candidate will contract to put the needs of the sanctuary animals first and foremost at all times; to refrain from acting in a manner that puts their wellbeing at risk; and to work to resolve all issues so that continuity and excellence of care is maintained at all times. We welcome applications from candidates with a thorough understanding of the abolitionist approach to animal rights and anti-speciesism which is a necessary part of our approach to vegan education.
To apply please complete the application form at the link below and return it by email to info@edenfarmedanimalsanctuary.com. Candidates will be short listed for interview.
Note: this is a vegan sanctuary and staff are required to respect our ethos whilst at work. Animal products including food and animal clothing are not permitted onsite.