Sanctuaries are vital for the lives of the individuals who are rescued from oppression. Some day, when all other animals are liberated, there will be a need for many sanctuaries to help them transition with compassion to full liberation. However, a vegan can save the suffering and oppression of more beings in one year, than Eden has the capacity to care for. Therefore, the work at Matilda’s Promise, is vital.

Helping people to become aware of the ways in which our mindlessness and lack of compassion cause others to suffer unnecessarily is an essential element of vegan, animal rights education. Thereafter, people need some assistance and community support to make the transition to a non-violent, vegan lifestyle.

Matilda’s Promise is deeply indebted to the Pollination Fund for assisting in this work.

Matilda’s Promise has the honour of being the first international recipient of a Pollination Fund grant in 2012. This grant has enabled us to engage in a wide range of educational activities that complement our work at Eden. The work of Matilda’s Promise is inspired by and guided by the residents at Eden and is in fulfilment of the promise I made to Matilda to tell the world what I have learned about the beings we call ‘food animals’.