Portrait Exhibition at the National Museum of Animals & Society features Eden’s Residents
Three of the residents at Eden Farm Animal Sanctuary will feature in the forthcoming online portrait exhibition at the National Museum of Animals & Society, entitled Un-cooped: Deconstructing the Domesticated Chicken.
The exhibition will also feature a synopsis of Enriched Cages and Embodied Prisons (in press), a report produced by Matilda’s Promise Animal Rights and Vegan Education Centre on the exploitation of egg laying hens by the humans who consume their eggs, detailing how the 2012 EU Ban on Battery Cages that has resulted in an increase in the exploitation and rights violations of hens, typical of welfare measures in a non-vegan society.
The exhibition can be viewed online at https://www.museumofanimals.org/#/upcoming-exhibits/4158003 from 4th May to coincide with International Respect for Chickens month.